【ISOSE 2017系列讲座】Methods of Marine Propulsion


2017年海洋科学与技术国际论坛(2017 International Symposium on Ocean Science and Technology)顺利召开, 来自英国、韩国、澳大利亚、加拿大等近十个国家的知名专家与会,共同探讨与海洋科学与技术相关的船舶、制造、材料、信息等课题。现知名专家应邀到校,举办系列讲座,欢迎广大同学前来听讲。

讲座题目:Methods of Marine Propulsion

人:Wei Qiu, Memorial University of Newfoundland


   间:2017113015:00 – 15:50 



Dr. Wei Qiu is a Professor and the Head of Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering, Memorial University. His research is in the area of marine hydrodynamics and its applications to ships and offshore structures. He has led numerous projects involving the marine and offshore industry, government agencies and private sectors.Dr. Qiu has been serving in many international organizations, including the Chair of the ITTC Ocean Engineering Committee, a member of the ISSC Environment Committee, and a member of joint ISSC-ITTC Committee. He also serves as associate editors of several internationally reputed journals such as ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. He has published over 120 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings and holds patents.Dr. Qiu is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) and a fellow of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). He has been serving as the Regional Vice President (Atlantic North) of SNAME since 2014. He was the chair of the 34th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), 2015.Dr. Qiu led the establishment of the Canadian Network for Innovative Shipbuilding, Marine Research and Training (CISMaRT) in 2016 involving industry, government agencies, universities and research institutes across Canada.

